Release date: 2022-05-19
- [PAM-768] PAM XCPD Deferred Does not Emit Sequoia/SAML headers
Release date: 2022-02-14
- [PAM-764] [PAM-FR/INS] M must not be used in XPN-7 in PAM-FR
- [PAM-766] [INS] PAM PDC - non-compliant behavior upon receipt of an “INS deletion” event
Release date: 2022-01-19
- [PAM-765] GDPR Refacto banner in standalone library
Release date: 2021-12-10
- [PAM-742] [Interop/INS] Patient Manager: new fields in ZFD segment
Release date: 2021-10-21
- [HLSEVENCMN-91] We cannot override fault levels for the HL7v2 Validation
Release date: 2021-10-01
- [PAM-761] [ANS/INS] Application error when sharing a patient with an empty address
- [PAM-762] [ANS/INS] The BDL address with the insee code must be added in a new XAD iteration
- [PAM-763] Cannot access PIX Source ITI-44
Release date: 2021-09-08
- [PAM-718] PIXv3 X-Reference Manager doesn’t handle query with a duplicated patient identifier
- [PAM-758] CH Change for the obligation for the MPI-PID in asOtherIDs
- [PAM-759] CH PIXV3 ITI-44 parameter Patient.id has been modified
Release date: 2021-08-19
- [PAM-740] [PAMSimulator] Patient Demographic Consumer - Integrate french patient in the tools
- [PAM-748] [PAMSimulator] Patient Encounter Consumer - Integrate french patient in the tools
- [PAM-751] [InteropSanté/INS] Patient Manager : receive “suppression INS”
- [PAM-749] [PAMSimulator] Patient Demographic Consumer - Reject message if ADT is wrong
- [PAM-750] [PAMSimulator] Patient Encounter Consumer - Reject message if ADT is wrong
Release date: 2021-07-30
- [PAM-754] Allow sending PAM-FR compliant message from the Connectathon feature
- [PAM-755] PES doesn’t generate french patient correctly
Release date: 2021-07-28
- [PAM-739] [PAMSimulator] Patient Demographic Supplier - Create french patient
- [PAM-741] [PAMSimulator] Send “suppression INS”
- [PAM-745] [PAMSimulator] Patient Demographic Supplier - Send ADT messages
- [PAM-746] [PAMSimulator] Patient Encounter Supplier - Create french patient
- [PAM-747] [PAMSimulator] Patient Encounter Supplier - Send ADT messages
Release date: 2020-09-22
- [PAM-719] PAMSimulator does not handle incomming ITI-44 when patient.id is duplicated
- [PAM-721] STUDY-PatientManager as Responding Gateway returns more patients than requested
Release date: 2020-07-27
- [PAM-695] [PDQm Connector] Create GUI for PDQm R4 Consumer simulator
Release date: 2020-04-23
- [PAM-641] Review the way XCPD Responding Gateway handles patient identifiers
Release date: 2020-03-19
- [PAM-674] PIXV3 Query does not return patient identifiers as expected in EPR context
- [PAM-676] PIXV3 Query does not return expected id when quering with datasource parameter
Release date: 2020-01-17
- [PAM-666] Change type of pam_phone_number.type to string
- [PAM-667] Add a UUID to uniquely identify a patient regardless of its database id or patient identifiers
- [PAM-670] We need to store the keyword of the actor
Release date: 2020-01-03
- [PAM-650] mothersMaidenName FHIR extension does not use the correct datatype
- [PAM-660] A patient’s date of birth is different depending on whether the patient is displayed or modified
- [PAM-662] Cannot add a phone number to a patient
- [PAM-663] Qualifier BR must not be used by default in ITI-44 in the EPD Domain
- [PAM-661] queryMatchObservation must always return 100
Release date: 2019-09-05
- [PAM-569] [eHeathSuisse] The XCPD Responding Gateway return the EPR-SPID instead of the MPI-PID
- [PAM-640] ITI-45 response returned by the tool does not conform to schema nor IHE specifications
Release date: 2019-08-01
- [PAM-635] Identifiers are not filtered when sending some ADT messages
- [PAM-636] Changes are not sent in A31 event
Release date: 2019-05-23
- [PAM-632] Tool does not send PID for assigning authorities with namespaceID only
Release date: 2019-05-15
- [PAM-629] Timeout when sending hl7v2 messages to Patient Manager
- [PAM-630] When sending an ADT message, the list of assigning authorities supported by the tool is not taken into account
- [PAM-631] Save button does not show up on connectathon > Patient creation page
Gazelle XUA Actors 1.0.9
- [GZLXUA-12] Patient Manager X-Service Provider (XCPD Resp Gw) fails at handling the second request and followings
Release date: 2019-05-09
This version of Patient Manager is aligned with
- version 2.9 of the French extension for the PAM profile;
- SWF.b’s constraints for ADT messages (RAD-1 and RAD-12 transactions now emit HL7v2.5.1 messages)
For existing instances of the tool, the configuration of the Jboss 7.2 AS server shall be updated to declare the datasource in standalone.xml
configuration file, as for a new installation. Refers to the installation manual for details.
- [PAM-597] Z80 to Z89 are not used anymore
- [PAM-600] Align gazelle-hl7-messagestructures with changes in PAM FR 2.9
- [PAM-601] Empty Z* segments shall not be sent
- [PAM-602] Update field MSH-12.1.3 with the correct version of the extension
- [PAM-603] A new field is defined for segment ZFV
- [PAM-604] PEC shall integrate ZFV-11 (new field)
- [PAM-605] PDS actor shall be able to send data in the ZFS segment (new)
- [PAM-606] PDC actor shall be able to integrate the ZFS segment (new)
- [PAM-165] Update values in XTN
- [PAM-544] The button update security header is not working
- [PAM-576] XCPD Responding Gateway fails at handling some queries
- [PAM-583] PIX Manager does not handle ITI-30 messages
- [PAM-590] Patient Manager -> Administration -> Manage Companies faults on delete
- [PAM-593] Missing information when a connection is failing
- [PAM-607] PDQ/PDS returns unfiltered results for ITI-22
- [PAM-608] PES: A44 event - users are not able to select the incorrect patient
- [PAM-609] PES - A08 - NPE when sending the message
- [PAM-611] Duplicate key violation on patient identifier when create a patient with PAM/PDS
- [PAM-612] PAM/PDC Does not interpret MGR segment correctly
- [PAM-613] PAM/PES messages without BP6 validations fail
- [PAM-614] PAM/PEC Saves patient twice
- [PAM-615] XCPD/INIT_GATEWAY Cannot send message with XUA assertion
- [PAM-616] PAM/PDS Cannot add/delete a second address to a patient
- [PAM-617] PAM/PDC Validation on Ack on patient update with BP6 fails
- [PAM-624] PAM/PES Generated patient not shown
- [PAM-625] PAM/PEC Cannot save Additionnal info
- [PAM-626] PAM/PDS Adding a legal care mode does not update the table but are sent
- [PAM-627] Nature of movement with BP6 is missing when validating the request of Discharge patient
- [PAM-628] Validation of PAM/PES both messages (Update A08) fails : missing fields
- [PAM-610] PES: Encounters are registered twice
- [PAM-469] Update ADT actor to support SWF.b
- [PAM-566] ITI-31: Update to ZBE segment definition via CP by IHE-France
- [PAM-585] Extract datasource configuration
- [PAM-586] Update SQL scripts archive
- [PAM-596] Update Patient Manager to support PAM FR 2.9 (attached)
Gazelle HL7 Common 5.4.12
Simulator Parent 4.4.9
- [SIMUCMN-59] Missing information when a connection is failling
Release date: 2019-03-07
- [PAM-595] FHIR Client should not require the CapabilityStatement of the server
Release date: 2018-12-11
- [PAM-579] PDQSupplier throws a SOAP fault when sender/device/id is missing
- [PAM-581] Patient manager alters messages before storing them
Release date: 2018-12-05
- [PAM-577] PIX Manager not working properly
- [PAM-573] Review permission to delete SUT configuration
Release date: 2018-10-31
- [PAM-572] Access denied to PIX Source/ITI-30 when PAM is not enabled
Release date: 2018-09-14
- [PAM-570] Update patient manager according to changes in FHIR validator
Release date: 2018-06-22
- [PAM-558] When the tool fails at imported FHIR Patients, give tips to the user
- [PAM-560] The administrator should be able to edit connectathon patients
- [PAM-561] MothersMaidenName is not read from the FHIR resource
- [PAM-562] Patient’s birth place address cannot be filled in
Release date: 2018-05-28
- [PAM-553] URL of page Connectathon, Patient Demograhics is wrong
- [PAM-555] Wrong send application and facility in response of PIX Manager
- [PAM-551] [AUTOMATON] When the application is displayed in French a tab is missing in the encounter edition section
Release date: 2018-03-28
- [PAM-537] The administrator should be able to update the AA index from the GUI
- [PAM-550] h:outputLink outcome is executed at page rendering which causes unexpected behaviour
Release date: 2018-03-28
- [PAM-543] We want to keep the indexes for the CAT assigning authorities at the same value
- [PAM-547] Even though the “Worklist” feature is disabled, the “create worklist” button still appears
- [PAM-548] Automaton does not work in a zulu-7 environment
- [PAM-549] When user want to add preferences for a system which already has preferences, transaction failed message is displayed
Release date: 2018-03-23
- [PAM-545] NPE is raised when generating a patient in the automate for IHE France
Release date: 2018-03-09
This version of the Patient Manager tool uses the jdbc driver provided by the Jboss7 AS server.
- [PAM-535] Update postgresql driver to version 42.2.1-jre7
- [PAM-540] When you want to create a patient for connectathon, the connectathon AA are not available
- [PAM-539] [CH:XCPD] Update XCPD actors to match the new specifications
- [PAM-534] small fix to statusCode value for PIXv3 newly added patient
Release date: 2018-01-22
- [PAM-528] PAMRestAPI does not send all attributes for the encounter
- [PAM-529] Users should be able to create patients with IDs in the Connectathon’s assigning authorities
Release date: 2018-01-11
This new version of the tools is to be connected to the new Gazelle SSO (Apereo). When deploying the tool, make sure you have the configuration file available at /opt/gazelle/cas/file.properties, also update the cas_url preference of the tool.
Technical task
- [PAM-504] New menu entry
- [PAM-505] List connectathons patients
- [PAM-506] Create a “connectathon” actor
- [PAM-507] Update All patients list not to show the “connectathon” patient
- [PAM-508] Sharing of Connectathon demographics
- [PAM-509] PDQm/PDQ/PDQV3 supplier shall look into the list of connectathon demographics
- [PAM-510] PIXm/PIX/PIXV3 manager shall look into the list of connectathon demographics
- [PAM-511] Manage the links between the system and the assigning authorities
- [PAM-512] Add a ‘connectathon purpose’ option to the assigning authority object
- [PAM-513] Allow the administrator to create patient by uploading FHIR Patient resources
- [PAM-527] When the administrator imports FHIR Patient resources, the address line is not stored in database
- [PAM-502] Move to the new apereo CAS
- [PAM-503] Connectathon Demographics Sharing
- [PAM-525] Allow users to download connectathon patients as a FHIR resources
- [PAM-331] Allow the user to select a subset of identifiers to send
- [PAM-477] PatientManager considerations for assigning authority values in HL7 FHIR
Release date: 2017-11-30
PDQm and PIXm actors are now compliant with the latest version of the IHE ITI supplements (support of FHIR DSTU3).
Technical task
- [PAM-481] Update dependencies to the latest version of hapi-fhir
- [PAM-482] [PDQm/PDC] Update the consumer to support the latest version of the PDQm profile
- [PAM-483] [PDQm/PDS] Update the supplier to support the latest version of the PDQm profile
- [PAM-484] [PIXm/Consumer] Update the consumer to support the latest version of the PIXm profile
- [PAM-485] [PIXm/Manager] Update the manager to support the latest version of the PIXm profile
- [PAM-479] Database issue when deploying the tool with postgres 9.6.5
- [PAM-518] Message identifiers are not extracted when two servers are running using the same handler
- [PAM-474] Allow the user to create pre-defined queries for PIX* query
- [PAM-514] Integrate the new Fhir Validator
- [PAM-471] We need the FHIR simulators to support DSTU3
- [PAM-486] Update GraphWalker to its latest version
Release date: 2017-11-02
Technical task
- [PAM-450] [API] Extract messageControlId from HL7v2 messages
- [PAM-452] [Interop/ValAPI] Implement the web service for remote control of the validation
- [PAM-459] [Interop/ValAPI]Extract identifiers from HL7v3 messages
- [PAM-444] Allow users to launch the automaton through web service
- [PAM-434] There are patients without domain in the database
- [PAM-455] Issues with worklist feature
- [PAM-492] XCPD query generate a NPE
- [PAM-498] Asynchronous execution of services when called through REST interface
- [PAM-442] [Automaton] Documentation
- [PAM-449] [API] Implement a web service to remotely validate messages
- [PAM-497] [PIX Source] message structure for A05 event to ADT_A01
- [PAM-435] [Automaton] Allow user to launch the automaton from a remote application
- [PAM-470] [PatientManager] EPR-SPID shall be transmitted as otherIDs
Release date: 2017-09-18
This release includes the Swiss extensions to the PIXV3, PDQV3 and XCPD profiles.
- [PAM-421] Acknowledgement element is missing in PIXV3 query response
- [PAM-456] [CH:PDQ/PDC] There is no need to be able to query on the father’s name, remove this field from the query form
- [PAM-464] Cannot activate/deactivate all patients
- [PAM-466] Troubles with “deactivate” feature of assigning authority
- [PAM-467] Cannot delete test data
- [PAM-393] When a patient is generated, depending on the country, some fields shall be hidden
- [PAM-422] [CH-PIX/PDQ] Create a new entity to manage Next-of-kins
- [PAM-423] [CH-PIX/PDQ/XCPD] Allow the administrator of the tool to switch to CH extension
- [PAM-424] [CH-PIX] Update PIXV3 Feed messages
- [PAM-153] [PIXV3] Patient Identifier Cross-Reference Manager updates a patient
- [PAM-154] [PIXV3] Patient Identifier Cross-Reference Manager merges patient records
- [PAM-427] [CH-PDQ] Allow the user to search by Father/Mother
- [PAM-428] [CH-PDQ] Make the PDQV3 query conform to eHealthSuisse specifications
- [PAM-429] [CH-PDQ] Make the PDQV3 Query Response conform to eHealthSuisse constraints
- [PAM-430] [CH-PIX/PDQ/XCPD] Update user manual for PatientManager
- [PAM-431] [CH-XCPD] Allow the user to send a CH-XCPD query
- [PAM-432] [CH-XCPD] Make XCPD Responding GW response compliant with CH-XCPD constraints
- [PAM-461] Allow the administrator to manage identifiers when he/she create new patients
Release date: 2017-06-30
The database scheme has been strongly modified, application will not work properly until you have execute the 9.5.0-update.sql script to update your database.
Technical task
- [PAM-402] Update model so that a patient can have multiple addresses
- [PAM-360] [PDQV3/PDC] “Clean up” button does not empty the content of the birth date field
- [PAM-410] PIX Source: When BP6 option is activated for PAM, PIX messages (ITI-30) embeds the ZFD segment and shall not
- [PAM-411] Add a link to value sets in the menu
- [PAM-419] Patient identifier set in the XCPD query form are not saved as part of the pre-defined query
- [PAM-412] [Sequoia/XCPD] Patient Manager shall be able to handle XUA assertions on XCPD messages
- [PAM-413] [Sequoia/XCPD] User shall be able to query their XCPD Init GW with more than one name
- [PAM-424] [CH-PIX] Update PIXV3 Feed messages
- [PAM-446] Merge Patient Manager (Sequoia) branch into trunk
- [PAM-115] [PDQv3/PDC] Add other parameters
- [PAM-415] [XCPD/Sequoia] XCPD Init GW shall be able to send queries with multiple names
- [PAM-420] Allow user to send XCPD queries with multiple livingSubjectId elements
Release date: 2017-01-23
- [PAM-408] When updating to gazelle-tools:3.0.25 or higher, fix dependencies to asm
Release date: 2016-11-30
- [PAM-303] PAM automaton crashes when the received ACK does not use the 2.5 version of HL7
- [PAM-404] Any one can configure the simulator ports
- [PAM-356] As an implementer of the PAM/PEC actor, I want to be able to update the patient’s account number to have a consistent workflow
- [PAM-319] The administrator users shall be able to activate/deactivate patients
Release date: 2017-11-07
- [PAM-310] Validation of fhir instances in PIXm / PDQm are not possible (conflict between xerces and fhir parser)
- [PAM-333] Please fix sonar issue on socket not closed
- [PAM-349] When asking for patient to our PDQm FHIR server, there is sometimes a “transaction failed”
- [PAM-384] Fix issue in JSON business rules rendering
- [PAM-388] User is required to provide receiving app and facility for fhir SUT
- [PAM-389] PAM-132:Query a SUT with the PIXm client
- [PAM-391] PDQm/PDS; search should be case insensitive
- [PAM-392] PDQm/PDS: inconsistency when we query for json format
- [PAM-396] PIXm consumer: clear parameter button does not work
- [PAM-285] Create a hapi-fhir based server to handle pixm and pdqm
- [PAM-309] Display returned patient with demographics data in XML / JSON
- [PAM-314] Configure PDQm server
- [PAM-322] Planification on PatientManager + answer mails
- [PAM-328] Parse FHIR HTTP GET request with ANTLR tool
- [PAM-332] Integrate ANTLR grammar for PIXM in PatientManager (FHIR)
- [PAM-335] Integrate ANTLR grammar for PDQm in Patient Manager
- [PAM-336] Add Mother’s Maiden name FHIR extension in PDQm server
- [PAM-342] In PDQm client, handle address parameter to search in each of the sub-fields of database address
- [PAM-343] Specify a target domain in PDQm to filter results
- [PAM-344] Add a PDQm PDS configuration page
- [PAM-348] Add the support of HTML rendering for XML and JSON FHIR instances
- [PAM-351] Validation of responses in PIXM
- [PAM-352] Validation of responses in PDQM
- [PAM-353] Pagination in PDQm
- [PAM-359] Create XSL transformer for FHIR (PIXM / PDQM)
- [PAM-362] Link PIXM and PDQM assertions to assertion manager rules
- [PAM-363] Update PIXM ATNTLR grammar to handle more cases
- [PAM-364] Production report for Patient Manager 9.4.0
- [PAM-365] Update code to new simulator-common and new hl7common for PatientManagerFhir
- [PAM-372] Create tests on TestLink to cover Patient Manger 9.4.0 (FHIR)
- [PAM-373] Merge FHIR branch in the trunk
- [PAM-380] Create cookbook for PatientManager
- [PAM-381] Update PAM Fhir Dependencies
- [PAM-382] Create cookbook for FhirValidator
- [PAM-383] Deploy with chef and knife solo Patient Manager Fhir on Sake
- [PAM-401] Merge PatientManager with fhir dev in the trunk and update dependencies
- [PAM-312] PDQ demographic field “birthdate” must be a Date not a String
- [PAM-313] Change gender selection in PDQ from String to dropdown menu with authorized values
- [PAM-355] Add PIXm server config in Patient Manager FHIR
- [PAM-377] CAS login redirects to the same page instead of the home page
- [PAM-390] I would expect the tool to notify the user when no result is available on PIXm manager side